Forest Management
Forest Management is a decades-long effort of nurturing and growing trees, sustaining nature and ensuring the viability of forests. In commercial forestry, harvesting is the culmination of this process that crystallises decades of work and growth. Failure of monitoring forests can cause significant damage to the growth cycle. Getting harvesting wrong is commercially harmful and wastes scarce natural resources.
Historically large forest areas were managed by using sampling, statistics, and visual inspection. Today, with remote sensing, big data processing and AI it is possible to cover 100% of a forest analytically. We bring a data-driven approach to forest management by enabling monitoring of vast forests areas, identifying risks, and supporting decision making.
Digital Forestry
Digitalisation of forestry makes use of various data sets to enable more sustainable and efficient forest management practices. Integrating remote sensing, field and machine data helps enhance processes and maintain healthy forests while ensuring biodiversity and carbon storages of forests.
An accurate forest inventory is a cornerstone for good forest management practices. Effective use of forest stands through optimal analytics ensures both environmental and commercial success. We specialise in providing up-to-date forest inventories and related analytics for tens of millions of hectares with verifiably improved accuracy through AI-driven modelling.

Challenges in Forest Management
- Conventional forest management is time-consuming and based on incomplete data.
- Poor accuracy of forest resources means inaccuracies in forestry supply chain
- Traditional forest inventories underutilise existing data sources to the extent that the error margins of inventories are significantly larger than they need to be.
- A suboptimal forest inventory leads to poor decision-making, for example in harvest planning.
- Poor analytics such as for the timber assortment distribution means that the wood resources can be undervalued, and margin is lost.
- Lack of ability to seek and find suitable forest areas.
- Carbon potential of a poor inventory can be misunderstood.
Our Solution
Ensuring the vitality of forests, sustainable forest management practices are required. Our solution allows you to harness intelligent AI-processed analysis to ensure your forest management measures are carried out in an accurate, timely and responsible manner.
- Specialized in multiple layers of data with the ability to integrate your data.
- Periodically updated analytics and predictions for your forest assets that outperform alternatives.
- Provides accurate analysis and predictions to support continuous cover forestry practices.
- Data-driven harvest planning.
- Data-driven harvest proposals.
- Stem distribution modelling characterise forest resources in detailed level.
- Ability to find suitable forest assets in vast areas.
- Accurate and scientifically proved predictions for forest stands and grid cells

- Efficient and accurate tool to map and measure your forest resources.
- Lower costs for your forest inventory.
- Increased forest growth with timely managed forest management operations.
- Added value to pre-existing data sources such as historical sampling and HPR data.
- Accuracy and increased efficiency in forestry supply chain, for example in wood sourcing and planning processes.
- Reduced need for scans and field sampling.
- Improved harvest yields.
- Improved harvest proposals.

We offer an efficient tool for forest inventory, that helps assess vast forest areas quickly and precisely. Our product utilises AI to process large volumes of data that has been combined from various sources. As a result, our solution provides accurate, detailed insights on your entire forest. With our self-updating tool, your forest resources are defined by species distribution and stand volume, and all other necessary details for you to be able to manage your forest resources efficiently and sustainably.
Planning and managing harvesting operations in a timely and accurate manner streamlines operational processes along the value chain while securing maximum usage of your wood supply. Our intelligent solution provides you with accurate predictions of thinning and final felling yields and harvesting areas with highest potential and value. It offers a detailed analysis on tree density, tree species distribution and tree age distribution, which helps plan thinning and harvesting operations accurately and resource-efficiently. You can focus on executing appropriate measures in a right time and utilise the wood efficiently. Diverse, multi-purpose forests require specific silvicultural measures. Our solution supports continuous cover forestry practices by enabling sustainable management of forests also within areas where stands are maintained in an irregular structure by providing accurate analysis of uneven-aged and different sized forests areas. Our tool helps you to monitor and sustain a selection of individual or small groups of trees and optimise harvest timing and planning precisely.


Our solution provides you with detailed data on growth. It tracks any relevant change and gives you accurate predictions and analysis on your wood volume at a stand level on regular basis. Our solution helps you to track and identify low growth areas and provides in-depth analysis of high-growth areas to understand the relevant growth drivers. Instead of generic models based on research, our data-driven solution helps plan and execute timely measures to secure the growth of your forests. Based on understanding of forest growth and up-to-date information of forest resources our solutions also identify areas that are in need for silviculture operations.