
Why Dead Trees Are Good for Forest Biodiversity
Forest biodiversity is a crucial component of healthy ecosystems, supporting countless species and contributing to

Utilize Our Bark Beetle Maps to Plan Winter Harvests: Minimise Pest Impact
Forests are an important component of the Nordic natural and societal ecosystem, providing ecosystem services

Latvian State Forests adopts CollectiveCrunch bark beetle solution
Latvian State Forests adopts CollectiveCrunch bark beetle solution. The forest monitoring solution enables LVM to

Forest Biodiversity in Nordic, Baltic, and Central European Forests: A Path to Resilience
Forest biodiversity is critical in maintaining healthy ecosystems, providing essential services such as carbon sequestration,

New forest prediction model ready for the Baltics, Aigar Kallas supporting Baltics
More than a year of hard work has paid off and we are proudly announcing

City of Espoo adopts CollectiveCrunch Bark Beetle Solution
Artificial intelligence helps in detecting bark beetle infestations. Espoo, Finland, June 19,2024 The city of